2 thoughts on “The Change

  1. Christy, I just read your blog and really loved all the words. I would like for all your cousins to read this. Some of them need to give their lives to Jesus. My heart is sad for all my Grand Children and pray that they will give their lives to The Lord. You may be able to reach them where what I say might not. My prayers are with you and pray that God will bless you abundantly! Love and prayers, G.M.


    • Thank you so much Grandma. For the kind words of encouragement and the prayers! I hope to be able to reach anyone and everyone that God leads me to reach. I am only a mouthpiece for HIM, but I do hope that my words will reach the family members around me. Cousins, Siblings, Parents and all. And I will be sure to include you daily in my prayers! Please continue to lift me up and pray that God leads me in the right direction every time I post, please. And please be sure to comment anytime on my posts once I begin posting. I like to hear different perspectives! Again, thank you so much and I love you very, very much!!
      Love you and God Bless,


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